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Team Governance
Team members are required to complete the appropriate governance when undertaking pre-hospital activities. Below is a list of both team shift governance and individual cases required for appropriate audit of activities. Please complete the relevant form as close to the time of the event as possible to ensure accurate records. Please also ensure there are no patient identifiable details within the submissions.
There is a list of procedures requiring governance at the bottom of the page, however please complete the appropriate case review and the specific procedures will be accessible after completion of the case details.
Team Shifts
General Taskings
Procedures requiring governance review:
Pre-hospital Emergency Anaesthesia (PHEA)
Pre-hospital Sedation
Transcutaneous pacing
DC Cardioversion
Surgical Airway
Simple Thoracostomy
Resuscitative Thoracotomy
Resuscitative Hysterotomy
Pre-hospital Amputation
Safeguarding referral
Trauma/Medical case
Trauma/Medical case
Medical case
Medical case
Trauma case
Trauma case
Trauma case
Trauma/Medical case
Trauma case
Medical case
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